SFC is a Youth-Run NGO working in PAN India. SFC inspires the younger generation to come forward to serve the Mother Earth by igniting a spark in them. SFC is established to launch and nurture activities and programs which will reach the most impecunious and vulnerable people from our community. The motive is that Youth is the beaming future of our country and they are the only ones who can change trite plots into buoyant podiums. Hence our Projects are designed keeping in mind the barbaric surroundings of our society. With the help of our stalwart Volunteers, we are able to focus on capacity building activities rather than the traditional gap filling initiatives. SFC is an organization of dedicated and staunch amateurs who are dead set at uplifting the unfortunate lots in our society and sheltering our Country.

"Revive your own light to lighten someone’s else, because you can’t revive a life if you are hollow from within." ~ Ekawali Singh

Our Goals & Objectives

Eradicating Illiteracy

Female Self Sureness

Standing up for Underprivileged

Environmental Conservation

Nurturing Elderly

Insights on Iniquity

We aim at enlightening underprivileged children and capable young millennials by providing them the access to basic education and equal opportunities by sponsoring their education and by popularizing creative development.

We believe in elimination of discrimination and all forms of violence against women and girl child. Our aim is to build a positive image of women in the society and recognising their contributions in every sphere. Women's equality and empowerment, is therefore, our primary objective.

SFC, to demonstrate that everyone in this country, regardless of geography, race or socioeconomic status, was deserving of a basic, liveable income and a decent place to live, aims at standing up and giving more power to those who belongs to underprivileged section of the society.

We, to protect and improve the environment and environmental conditions, are continuously striving for sustainable living by creating awareness on- Reducing Carbon footprint, 4R's and to develop a world population that is aware of and concerned about the environment.

SFC, to help the socially isolated senior citizens and disabled persons, strives to create an inclusive environment by popularizing voluntary work and by assisting old age homes, orphanages, rehabilitation centres and destitute homes.

Stressing the need for promoting nationalistic outlook among the youth and involving them in constructive nation-building activities, we believe in creating an atmosphere where there is no place for social evils such as gender discrimination, poverty, malnutrition, unemployment, atrocities against women, corruption, hunger etc by instilling the feeling of ‘Society first’ among them and by encouraging them to actively participate in community development