Education is the key to unlock the world and a passport to freedom. Keeping this in mind, SFC Foundation focuses highly on the importance of education and hence introduced the “PROJECT GYAN” for this purpose. As the very name suggests, our sole aim for introducing this project is to impart education to the underprivileged and needy kids. We make sure that if the poor can’t come to education then the education must go to him. Our volunteers visit the slums to help, guide and teach them and also to spread awareness among them about various stuff like values and ethics that are also an essential part of their personality growth. Apart from this, under Project Gyan, we also teach kids basic mannerism and ethics. A child’s holistic development is our only motto and hence, to encourage the hidden talents among these kids, we even organize several fun, imaginative and entertainment events in their slum areas.

Long term campaigns are also launched under Project Gyan such as "Educate to Elevate" which aims to provide free education till primary level to a child from underprivileged section.

Similarly, we have launched a lot of short term events such as Kala-e-Gyan Utsav, Books Not Bricks, and webinars on diverse topics such as Self Defence teaching, Cyber Crime, Human Rights etc.

We make sure that they learn the phenomenon of ‘How to think’ not ‘What to think’. So, let's walk together in the pursuit of global progress and create knowledge for all, that benefits all. Let's globalise compassion for these underprivileged children together. We call upon you for a march from exploitation to education, from poverty to shared prosperity, from violence to peace, from slavery to liberty and from ignorance to enlightenment.