“Imagine a fish without water. Can it survive? Now imagine a world with all the environmental issues. Can Men survive?” Vatavarn consist of everything we see around us. There are different interactions between animals, plants, soil, water and other living and non-living things. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it. The environment and the society are two sides of the same coin. If we can’t sustain the environment, we can’t sustain ourselves. Keeping this in mind SFC Foundation has come up with its project “PROJECT VATAVARN” as we feel that together we can bring a change and can make our planet Earth – a better place to live.

Under this project, numerous campaigns and events focusing on the environment conservation and its issues particularly focussing on deforestation, global warming, climate change and on pollution as raising awareness on the most pressing issues of our time is more important than ever, animal protection and protection of other creatures too.

Feeding Paws is a popular and current ongoing campaign under this project. It is for all the animals who are going hungry amid the world’s pandemic situation and the ones who do not have anybody to take care of them. To give them a better life, our volunteers are directed to feed them with milk, bread or any food along with taking care of them as SFC Foundation feels that he who feeds a hungry animal feeds his own soul. Under this project, we launched various events also, focusing on environment protection and animal welfare such as Manure Making, Best Out of Waste, Rain Water Harvesting, Cleanliness Drive, Dengue Awareness, Noor-e Diwali, Kabaad Se Jugaad, Each One Sow One, Beat the Plastic Pollution and many more.

Environment is no one's property to destroy, it's everyone responsibility to protect. Together let’s join hands because conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. Care. Rescue. Save. Donate. Volunteer. Educate.